Sunday, January 22, 2012

And so a new year starts

In the last year my weight was very steady. 2011 was great for weight gain/loss. I wonder why. Oh yeah. I was pregnant! I only gained around 17 lbs from the pregnancy. I'm currently about 7 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight.

My postpartum body has it's good things and bad things. My rack is large even when my waist is skinny so I have more of an hour glass. Grace's in-my-belly calorie consumption helped eliminate some unsightly stubborn spots on my hips. My pooch, which was there before is not really that different. I had stretch marks from a time when I was heavy and those came back but that was it.

That is just my appearance. The surface.

The deep tissue is a whole other matter. I have wobbly knees and ankles from the hormones still. I have a very weak pelvic floor and it lead to some serious back pain and chiropractic intervention. I sleep great some nights and TERRIBLE from boddy issues other nights. I think maintaining better sleep is a giant goal this year, i.e. we put the beds in their rightful places as we were sleeping on the futon for safer cosleeping. It finally got to me and we are switching back to the pillowtop mattress. My feet and legs ache more from poor posture from nursing/pelvic floor issues. Oh and then there was that whole part about getting my gallbladder out in Nov. 2011 that left a permanent kink in my back.

I have a high pain tolerance. What can I say... Once it diminishes your quality of life you should do something right? That takes some motivation and self awareness.

As I take inventory, I distinctly remember being in better shape and better toned in 2010. So although I cannot have that body back, I can make some changes and already have.

  • Vitamins. Rainbow Light brand vitamins have made a marked difference for me than from cheapo brands I bought. I take a prenatal and a calcium.
  • Walking. It heals so much. The soul and the body.
  • Sleep earlier, up earlier. Some how the opposite produces a grumpier me on the same amount of sleep.
  • GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! I couped us up for long enough and need to overcome that dang ol' fear of getting out of the house.
  • Be active- taking zumba 2x per week for 11 weeks is a start! Strength training too.
  • Plan on a farm box- somehow I will make this happen...
  • Less refined sugar and wheat. If I want it I need to make it. Eat correct portions too.

  • Better posture, body strength, tighten things up!
  • Feel good about myself
  • Lose between 4-6 pants sizes by Dec.
  • Do another Warrior Dash
  • Eat veggies, lean meats
  • Active 4+ days per week
I think a 50 lb goal is good but I think it could take away from my other goals to lose inches and feel energized because I'd be counting pounds. I'm too busy and neurotic. Not necessary. Other things are more important.
